all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3DW 1 51.523284 -0.014821
E3 3FD 0 51.523521 -0.012793
E3 3FF 1 51.523949 -0.014302
E3 3FG 0 51.523553 -0.01429
E3 3FJ 0 51.523444 -0.014713
E3 3AZ 0 51.525682 -0.019445
E3 3FH 33 0 51.52342 -0.014254
E3 3FL 30 1 51.519996 -0.017688
E3 3FA 29 0 51.524164 -0.012649
E3 3FB 42 0 51.524014 -0.013347
E3 3FE 35 0 51.523527 -0.013268
E3 3FP 52 0 51.523897 -0.013843
E3 3FR 31 0 51.523897 -0.013843
E3 3FS 33 0 51.523483 -0.013746
E3 3GA 4 0 51.526655 -0.020066
E3 3GB 6 0 51.526212 -0.019841
E3 3GD 27 0 51.526144 -0.020174
E3 3GE 32 0 51.526417 -0.020393
E3 3GF 38 0 51.525963 -0.02011
E3 3GL 33 0 51.525654 -0.019893