all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3PS 1 1 51.521089 -0.021691
E3 3PT 40 0 51.520747 -0.022239
E3 3PU 5 0 51.523742 -0.015363
E3 3PW 7 0 51.52051 -0.020462
E3 3PX 11 1 51.520802 -0.020147
E3 3PY 55 0 51.520673 -0.021046
E3 3PZ 44 0 51.520673 -0.021046
E3 3QH 63 2 51.520994 -0.018221
E3 3QP 9 8 51.518511 -0.018013
E3 3QQ 48 0 51.520313 -0.017285
E3 3QR 5 2 51.518394 -0.018147
E3 3QS 34 0 51.51995 -0.01867
E3 3QU 34 0 51.520793 -0.018533
E3 3QX 37 9 51.519833 -0.02029
E3 3QY 1 0 51.522371 -0.017729
E3 3RA 16 0 51.520242 -0.01896
E3 3RB 64 0 51.519908 -0.019421
E3 3RD 54 0 51.519745 -0.020409
E3 3RE 3 1 51.517936 -0.019262
E3 3RF 21 0 51.518582 -0.019147