all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3TY 60 0 51.520436 -0.016588
E3 3TZ 5 4 51.520948 -0.016956
E3 3UA 28 0 51.52843 -0.011138
E3 3UB 28 0 51.528534 -0.010874
E3 3UD 18 0 51.528387 -0.010722
E3 3UE 18 0 51.528241 -0.010598
E3 3UH 18 0 51.527898 -0.011046
E3 3UJ 20 0 51.528081 -0.011254
E3 3UL 20 0 51.528283 -0.011461
E3 3UN 10 0 51.528054 -0.011212
E3 3UP 6 0 51.528065 -0.011341
E3 3UF 33 0 51.528076 -0.010404
E3 3UQ 44 0 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3UR 43 0 51.519096 -0.018089
E3 3US 24 0 51.519396 -0.018263
E3 3UT 10 0 51.519568 -0.018832
E3 3UU 24 0 51.519245 -0.01889
E3 3UW 43 0 51.518945 -0.018701
E3 3UX 4 0 51.51918 -0.018258
E3 3UG 26 0 51.527973 -0.010682