all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3RG 75 0 51.519423 -0.019976
E3 3RH 20 0 51.519398 -0.019545
E3 3RJ 15 0 51.518954 -0.020443
E3 3RN 6 0 51.51851 -0.020203
E3 3RP 54 0 51.518466 -0.02081
E3 3RQ 11 0 51.518434 -0.019961
E3 3RR 9 0 51.518656 -0.020326
E3 3RS 25 0 51.518831 -0.019555
E3 3RT 30 1 51.517824 -0.020103
E3 3RU 11 0 51.517512 -0.020779
E3 3RW 15 0 51.519078 -0.02136
E3 3RY 1 0 51.518655 -0.021912
E3 3RZ 28 0 51.517351 -0.020311
E3 3SH 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3SR 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3ST 14 0 51.518019 -0.020412
E3 3WD 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3XB 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3XF 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3JQ 9 7 51.522634 -0.004095