all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3NL 25 0 51.526342 -0.014861
E3 3NN 40 0 51.525684 -0.014269
E3 3NP 30 0 51.525458 -0.015245
E3 3NR 20 0 51.525674 -0.015769
E3 3NS 39 0 51.524998 -0.016231
E3 3NW 20 0 51.52584 -0.014983
E3 3NY 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 3PA 11 9 51.520929 -0.014909
E3 3PB 1 1 51.520536 -0.017174
E3 3PD 41 0 51.523477 -0.017739
E3 3PE 8 0 51.524029 -0.017397
E3 3PF 8 0 51.523311 -0.016967
E3 3PG 16 0 51.524051 -0.017094
E3 3PH 5 0 51.523422 -0.016517
E3 3PJ 2 2 51.522206 -0.017968
E3 3PL 19 0 51.523975 -0.015843
E3 3PN 67 7 51.520327 -0.020239
E3 3PP 16 0 51.52352 -0.015531
E3 3PQ 17 0 51.523576 -0.016711
E3 3PR 31 1 51.520982 -0.022834