all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3BT 21 2 51.526392 -0.012409
E3 3BU 21 0 51.528018 -0.012957
E3 3BW 1 1 51.529185 -0.012805
E3 3BX 12 0 51.526061 -0.012076
E3 3BY 30 0 51.525635 -0.013464
E3 3BZ 51 0 51.525963 -0.01319
E3 3DA 10 7 51.527251 -0.010555
E3 3DB 13 0 51.526891 -0.011723
E3 3DD 9 0 51.526154 -0.012259
E3 3DE 1 1 51.530231 -0.02888
E3 3DG 9 0 51.527633 -0.012527
E3 3DH 12 0 51.527262 -0.012355
E3 3DJ 5 0 51.526517 -0.012474
E3 3DS 11 1 51.528598 -0.014243
E3 3DU 33 30 51.526846 -0.006419
E3 3DX 8 0 51.527778 -0.018979
E3 3EA 2 0 51.525307 -0.0111
E3 3EB 8 0 51.525803 -0.012231
E3 3EE 16 0 51.527726 -0.020525
E3 3EF 16 0 51.527687 -0.01982