all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 3JW 17 0 51.522842 -0.010011
E3 3JX 7 4 51.521131 -0.009826
E3 3JY 5 2 51.522566 -0.008552
E3 3LB 7 1 51.521017 -0.009919
E3 3FU 26 0 51.52486 -0.012187
E3 3LF 43 1 51.525152 -0.013082
E3 3LJ 36 0 51.522491 -0.014235
E3 3LL 1 1 51.522927 -0.012371
E3 3LN 16 0 51.522938 -0.014086
E3 3LP 12 0 51.523228 -0.011508
E3 3LS 55 0 51.522931 -0.010973
E3 3LT 48 20 51.521804 -0.01242
E3 3LU 5 0 51.522449 -0.011224
E3 3LW 63 0 51.522754 -0.011701
E3 3LX 5 0 51.522234 -0.0139
E3 3LY 28 0 51.52235 -0.012252
E3 3LZ 52 0 51.522271 -0.013409
E3 3ND 13 9 51.52132 -0.01198
E3 3NH 20 0 51.526011 -0.016028
E3 3NJ 25 0 51.526023 -0.015682