all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5AA 37 2 51.52716 -0.034476
E3 5AB 18 0 51.527629 -0.031456
E3 5AD 39 1 51.527053 -0.031324
E3 5AE 51 0 51.526598 -0.032221
E3 5AF 5 1 51.528013 -0.031872
E3 5AG 17 0 51.527602 -0.032538
E3 5AH 16 0 51.528221 -0.03244
E3 5AJ 16 0 51.525868 -0.034228
E3 5AL 42 0 51.528609 -0.032524
E3 5AN 25 0 51.528043 -0.033559
E3 5AP 45 0 51.52663 -0.033476
E3 5AQ 10 0 51.526199 -0.032556
E3 5AR 46 1 51.526257 -0.034946
E3 5AS 31 0 51.52741 -0.03546
E3 5AT 56 1 51.528015 -0.035159
E3 5AU 11 0 51.527578 -0.035956
E3 5AW 6 0 51.527522 -0.034762
E3 5AX 72 8 51.526284 -0.03545
E3 5BD 9 0 51.526859 -0.035958
E3 5AY 14 0 51.526416 -0.032604