all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5ED 3 3 51.532455 -0.031163
E3 5EE 39 0 51.531704 -0.033183
E3 5EF 36 0 51.531225 -0.032498
E3 5EG 72 0 51.531132 -0.033886
E3 5EH 1 1 51.533257 -0.029757
E3 5EL 69 29 51.533124 -0.029892
E3 5EN 4 0 51.528905 -0.038927
E3 5EP 13 0 51.527844 -0.033047
E3 5EQ 1 1 51.532446 -0.030239
E3 5ER 36 0 51.533014 -0.030315
E3 5ES 87 25 51.532708 -0.0303
E3 5EU 15 1 51.532864 -0.029399
E3 5EX 27 0 51.531139 -0.030555
E3 5EY 12 0 51.530601 -0.030146
E3 5EZ 24 0 51.530683 -0.029681
E3 5GN 25 0 51.536732 -0.03213
E3 5GP 13 0 51.536586 -0.031488
E3 5HA 30 0 51.53146 -0.029892
E3 5HB 24 0 51.53105 -0.029016
E3 5HD 1 1 51.532144 -0.028177