all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5HE 32 0 51.531753 -0.029115
E3 5HF 20 0 51.531225 -0.028172
E3 5HG 18 0 51.531541 -0.030956
E3 5HH 64 0 51.531898 -0.030263
E3 5HJ 66 0 51.531898 -0.030263
E3 5HL 3 0 51.530893 -0.029326
E3 5HP 12 0 51.530666 -0.029191
E3 5HQ 1 1 51.531378 -0.028771
E3 5HR 16 0 51.5317 -0.028108
E3 5HS 20 0 51.532046 -0.028382
E3 5HT 20 0 51.532765 -0.028336
E3 5HU 21 0 51.532051 -0.02756
E3 5HY 24 0 51.531649 -0.027765
E3 5HZ 32 1 51.534651 -0.03085
E3 5JA 28 0 51.534904 -0.031474
E3 5JB 27 0 51.534136 -0.031233
E3 5JD 46 1 51.531313 -0.031831
E3 5JE 16 0 51.530429 -0.030571
E3 5JF 24 0 51.530866 -0.030898
E3 5JG 39 0 51.530317 -0.03196