all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5LL 24 0 51.533419 -0.03086
E3 5LN 40 0 51.534682 -0.032175
E3 5LP 34 0 51.535216 -0.03022
E3 5LQ 4 0 51.53492 -0.031891
E3 5LS 64 0 51.533372 -0.033948
E3 5LT 53 0 51.533631 -0.034946
E3 5LU 93 38 51.531952 -0.034038
E3 5LW 38 0 51.535108 -0.032359
E3 5LX 119 36 51.532159 -0.03442
E3 5LY 4 0 51.532397 -0.033182
E3 5LZ 7 0 51.532329 -0.034497
E3 5NA 36 1 51.532493 -0.03573
E3 5NB 38 0 51.533421 -0.03582
E3 5ND 44 0 51.533421 -0.03582
E3 5NE 57 0 51.532837 -0.036784
E3 5NF 35 0 51.532511 -0.03622
E3 5NG 1 1 51.530231 -0.02888
E3 5NH 9 0 51.533852 -0.037402
E3 5NJ 44 0 51.53403 -0.036746
E3 5NL 38 0 51.53403 -0.036746