all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5SL 5 0 51.53263 -0.041722
E3 5SN 37 5 51.532073 -0.041775
E3 5SP 68 0 51.532575 -0.042763
E3 5SS 31 0 51.53224 -0.042619
E3 5SX 1 0 51.532335 -0.04508
E3 5TA 39 0 51.533734 -0.039483
E3 5TB 60 0 51.533251 -0.040701
E3 5TD 20 0 51.532208 -0.040702
E3 5TE 2 0 51.532004 -0.040222
E3 5TG 34 3 51.531454 -0.040245
E3 5TH 7 0 51.530618 -0.039718
E3 5TL 48 0 51.530481 -0.03958
E3 5TN 12 0 51.529354 -0.038345
E3 5TW 19 1 51.529785 -0.038875
E3 5UL 1 1 51.53023 -0.028907
E3 5PS 47 0 51.53532 -0.033215
E3 5PT 15 0 51.535359 -0.032838
E3 5LR 9 0 51.532158 -0.032875
E3 5NS 1 0 51.532461 -0.033237
E3 5JR 6 0 51.53303 -0.036111