all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5NN 38 0 51.533434 -0.036584
E3 5NP 9 2 51.534458 -0.037073
E3 5NQ 52 0 51.535255 -0.035222
E3 5NR 1 1 51.53441 -0.035821
E3 5NT 40 0 51.536067 -0.029363
E3 5NU 38 0 51.533793 -0.035444
E3 5NW 44 0 51.533434 -0.036584
E3 5NX 6 0 51.53312 -0.035011
E3 5NY 37 0 51.534631 -0.036648
E3 5NZ 55 0 51.534935 -0.035986
E3 5PA 6 0 51.536306 -0.033014
E3 5PB 10 0 51.536081 -0.033528
E3 5PD 10 0 51.535949 -0.033736
E3 5PE 3 0 51.535838 -0.034072
E3 5PF 19 0 51.536106 -0.032922
E3 5PG 23 0 51.532836 -0.033525
E3 5PH 24 0 51.535856 -0.033004
E3 5PJ 10 0 51.536092 -0.03311
E3 5PL 5 0 51.536197 -0.030798
E3 5PN 23 0 51.536803 -0.030512