all postcodes in E3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E3 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E3 5DB 52 0 51.529201 -0.036218
E3 5DD 58 0 51.529463 -0.036812
E3 5DE 11 0 51.530065 -0.036786
E3 5DF 41 0 51.529692 -0.037076
E3 5DG 8 0 51.535519 -0.032197
E3 5DH 3 0 51.53599 -0.030836
E3 5DJ 20 0 51.530481 -0.038513
E3 5DN 1 1 51.53072 -0.036672
E3 5DP 2 0 51.530614 -0.037802
E3 5DQ 25 0 51.530196 -0.037603
E3 5DR 14 0 51.531242 -0.035654
E3 5DS 24 0 51.530262 -0.035639
E3 5DT 21 0 51.52932 -0.037957
E3 5DU 7 0 51.527352 -0.036384
E3 5DW 22 0 51.530627 -0.038103
E3 5DX 9 0 51.530669 -0.032594
E3 5DY 21 0 51.529993 -0.037871
E3 5DZ 29 0 51.529622 -0.038233
E3 5EA 17 1 51.530178 -0.033307
E3 5EB 13 0 51.530905 -0.032151