all postcodes in HR7 / BROMYARD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR7 4SY 16 0 52.193338 -2.54845
HR7 4SZ 10 1 52.190531 -2.553343
HR7 4TA 2 0 52.192113 -2.564934
HR7 4TB 3 0 52.200617 -2.570646
HR7 4TD 1 1 52.200713 -2.570737
HR7 4TF 42 3 52.205482 -2.573505
HR7 4TE 9 0 52.200007 -2.575249
HR7 4TG 13 0 52.208532 -2.554183
HR7 4TH 20 0 52.209095 -2.584747
HR7 4TJ 3 0 52.211084 -2.593408
HR7 4TL 4 0 52.200189 -2.600228
HR7 4TN 70 0 52.191729 -2.512428
HR7 4TP 9 0 52.19134 -2.512907
HR7 4TQ 5 0 52.213796 -2.564743
HR7 4TR 10 0 52.191218 -2.51213
HR7 4TS 12 0 52.190838 -2.510648
HR7 4TT 9 0 52.192238 -2.511278
HR7 4TU 10 0 52.186602 -2.521204
HR7 4TW 14 0 52.191139 -2.513767
HR7 4TX 39 0 52.187424 -2.520438