all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8JF 7 0 52.318436 0.44407
IP28 8JG 8 0 52.320002 0.447535
IP28 8JH 10 0 52.308412 0.494722
IP28 8JJ 5 0 52.303366 0.492238
IP28 8JL 19 0 52.306346 0.491642
IP28 8JN 22 0 52.306064 0.493519
IP28 8JP 11 0 52.304575 0.494594
IP28 8JQ 24 2 52.307435 0.493288
IP28 8JR 15 0 52.305308 0.491833
IP28 8JS 13 0 52.303474 0.490938
IP28 8JT 16 1 52.30351 0.493522
IP28 8JU 20 0 52.301878 0.494164
IP28 8JW 10 0 52.305734 0.494644
IP28 8JX 1 0 52.302211 0.500944
IP28 8JZ 39 1 52.30587 0.489441
IP28 8LA 2 0 52.303081 0.484371
IP28 8LB 5 2 52.302685 0.484029
IP28 8LD 18 6 52.299655 0.484857
IP28 8LE 4 3 52.297277 0.481978
IP28 8LF 12 0 52.301754 0.481659