all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 5BY 1 1 53.399692 -2.982274
L1 5DA 32 0 53.400234 -2.979594
L1 5DB 7 0 53.398733 -2.980763
L1 5DD 13 0 53.400298 -2.980664
L1 5DF 43 0 53.399247 -2.982805
L1 5DG 13 0 53.39939 -2.978477
L1 5DN 57 9 53.39888 -2.978255
L1 5DP 8 0 53.399196 -2.978081
L1 5DQ 16 0 53.398454 -2.980832
L1 5DW 23 2 53.39904 -2.977281
L1 5DY 31 1 53.397731 -2.979086
L1 5DZ 1 1 53.398334 -2.979084
L1 5EB 8 0 53.397885 -2.980052
L1 5EF 12 0 53.398602 -2.97706
L1 5EG 12 0 53.397876 -2.977871
L1 5EH 13 0 53.396885 -2.978119
L1 5EL 42 0 53.399717 -2.978078
L1 5EQ 19 0 53.396496 -2.978411
L1 5ES 15 0 53.398419 -2.977462
L1 5EU 2 0 53.397698 -2.977505