all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 4DS 21 12 53.403984 -2.980643
L1 4EA 16 8 53.403304 -2.979123
L1 4ED 9 6 53.403882 -2.977693
L1 4EF 6 4 53.403831 -2.977195
L1 4EN 8 5 53.402992 -2.976574
L1 4EU 13 12 53.403293 -2.978296
L1 4EZ 32 9 53.402905 -2.977399
L1 4HF 41 9 53.402577 -2.97676
L1 4HL 3 2 53.402151 -2.976013
L1 4HR 38 22 53.402852 -2.978331
L1 4HY 31 17 53.402464 -2.977449
L1 4JA 8 7 53.401951 -2.976309
L1 4JF 15 6 53.401342 -2.976175
L1 4JH 5 1 53.402585 -2.983333
L1 4JJ 4 0 53.402453 -2.981901
L1 4JN 20 4 53.402188 -2.981338
L1 4JQ 21 9 53.400521 -2.976457
L1 4JR 57 1 53.401092 -2.979177
L1 4JS 48 1 53.400668 -2.977152
L1 4JX 1 0 53.400557 -2.977541