all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 4AN 21 3 53.403235 -2.980987
L1 4AQ 23 9 53.403589 -2.980529
L1 4AR 65 14 53.402947 -2.979761
L1 4AS 1 0 53.402326 -2.978905
L1 4AU 4 1 53.402813 -2.980917
L1 4AZ 10 6 53.402005 -2.978506
L1 4BB 7 2 53.401088 -2.97638
L1 4BE 65 2 53.402568 -2.981091
L1 4BH 5 4 53.401665 -2.978454
L1 4BL 9 3 53.401067 -2.97671
L1 4BN 36 0 53.402943 -2.980424
L1 4BS 12 8 53.402733 -2.979712
L1 4BW 23 8 53.402737 -2.97917
L1 4BX 9 2 53.401971 -2.980567
L1 4DA 1 0 53.40068 -2.97792
L1 4DE 59 10 53.401882 -2.977105
L1 4DH 1 0 53.40172 -2.976064
L1 4DJ 6 5 53.404221 -2.980212
L1 4DN 19 14 53.40378 -2.979224
L1 4DQ 89 15 53.402291 -2.977731