all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 3AP 1 1 53.404893 -2.984816
L1 3AW 4 2 53.404825 -2.984348
L1 3AY 12 10 53.404741 -2.98245
L1 3BG 2 1 53.405222 -2.985154
L1 3BL 2 1 53.404993 -2.98569
L1 3EU 26 16 53.403545 -2.985807
L1 3BT 7 3 53.404287 -2.9842
L1 3BX 34 7 53.404162 -2.984092
L1 3BZ 1 1 53.404162 -2.984092
L1 3DA 4 3 53.404478 -2.98279
L1 3DD 2 2 53.404603 -2.983966
L1 3DH 1 1 53.404513 -2.983017
L1 3DN 14 13 53.403076 -2.984999
L1 3DY 7 6 53.404147 -2.982602
L1 3DZ 3 3 53.404481 -2.982384
L1 3HD 1 1 53.40463 -2.981891
L1 4AA 36 34 53.402468 -2.985722
L1 4AF 5 4 53.403713 -2.982908
L1 4AG 4 2 53.404299 -2.981658
L1 4AL 11 1 53.403159 -2.979135