all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2DT 24 0 53.316541 -3.487704
LL18 2DU 16 0 53.316265 -3.488234
LL18 2DW 21 2 53.316028 -3.484864
LL18 2DY 18 2 53.315711 -3.488726
LL18 2EA 1 1 53.313262 -3.485368
LL18 2EB 1 1 53.313368 -3.484861
LL18 2ED 21 0 53.314032 -3.487076
LL18 2EE 3 1 53.313057 -3.485976
LL18 2EF 12 0 53.31409 -3.486057
LL18 2EG 10 1 53.315692 -3.483711
LL18 2EH 35 1 53.316371 -3.483329
LL18 2EL 45 1 53.31485 -3.485648
LL18 2EN 30 0 53.316181 -3.481296
LL18 2EP 14 0 53.314558 -3.484542
LL18 2ER 48 0 53.314929 -3.482889
LL18 2ES 18 0 53.314106 -3.484031
LL18 2ET 17 1 53.313297 -3.483283
LL18 2EU 11 2 53.314463 -3.477694
LL18 2EW 1 0 53.316658 -3.483429
LL18 2EY 20 0 53.313891 -3.479641