all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 2LA 25 0 53.311901 -3.474019
LL18 2LB 33 0 53.311927 -3.477051
LL18 2LD 13 0 53.312324 -3.476975
LL18 2LE 7 0 53.310937 -3.47352
LL18 2LF 12 0 53.312878 -3.475763
LL18 2LG 15 0 53.311847 -3.474827
LL18 2LH 4 0 53.31164 -3.473364
LL18 2LJ 8 0 53.3113 -3.476865
LL18 2LL 4 0 53.311021 -3.474708
LL18 2LN 15 0 53.310605 -3.47642
LL18 2LP 4 0 53.311094 -3.476812
LL18 2LQ 12 0 53.311506 -3.476241
LL18 2LR 3 0 53.305453 -3.469189
LL18 2LS 3 0 53.305635 -3.471191
LL18 2LT 15 0 53.305864 -3.470869
LL18 2LU 23 0 53.307103 -3.473192
LL18 2LW 23 0 53.310869 -3.476819
LL18 2LX 23 0 53.312469 -3.478331
LL18 2LY 5 0 53.308164 -3.47533
LL18 2LZ 11 0 53.311947 -3.477682