all postcodes in LL / Llandudno

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District

LL / Llandudno

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL11 1LP 1 1 53.047221 -2.994631
LL11 1LR 8 4 53.047047 -2.99506
LL11 1LS 6 2 53.047245 -2.995019
LL11 1LW 11 6 53.046986 -2.995759
LL11 1LY 1 1 53.047262 -2.995094
LL11 1NA 1 1 53.047962 -2.99529
LL11 1NB 1 1 53.047501 -2.995533
LL11 1NE 2 2 53.047649 -2.994835
LL11 1NF 2 1 53.048525 -2.994452
LL11 1NH 4 1 53.047679 -2.99582
LL11 1NL 1 0 53.04757 -2.995937
LL11 1PF 8 6 53.048377 -3.000505
LL11 1PP 1 1 53.048859 -2.998756
LL11 1PR 2 2 53.048154 -2.999023
LL11 1RB 4 3 53.047333 -2.998497
LL11 1RE 6 2 53.047544 -2.997786
LL11 1RN 1 1 53.046579 -2.996212
LL11 1RR 6 4 53.0472 -2.997181
LL11 1RY 11 8 53.046753 -2.996694
LL11 1SA 9 7 53.046672 -2.995648