all postcodes in LL / Llandudno

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District

LL / Llandudno

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL11 2AZ 19 0 53.050993 -3.007921
LL11 2BA 11 11 53.056849 -3.006178
LL11 2BB 35 0 53.05082 -3.006022
LL11 2BD 24 0 53.052217 -3.008859
LL11 2BE 12 0 53.052657 -3.009914
LL11 2BF 28 0 53.060742 -3.005298
LL11 2BG 41 0 53.05169 -3.010563
LL11 2BH 19 0 53.052797 -3.010335
LL11 2BJ 59 1 53.060527 -3.004159
LL11 2BL 4 2 53.052876 -3.011605
LL11 2BP 15 0 53.056977 -3.003972
LL11 2BQ 20 0 53.059463 -3.004552
LL11 2BS 12 0 53.0577 -3.003616
LL11 2BT 2 1 53.057926 -3.003219
LL11 2BU 3 3 53.05829 -3.005062
LL11 2BW 10 2 53.057024 -3.004884
LL11 2BX 6 0 53.061053 -3.004679
LL11 2BZ 1 1 53.05506 -3.005345
LL11 2DD 13 0 53.058267 -3.002227
LL11 2DE 33 0 53.059292 -3.003399