all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 9EJ 6 0 52.086092 -0.71658
MK16 9EN 6 0 52.114938 -0.741865
MK16 9EQ 1 1 52.079927 -0.704543
MK16 9ES 25 7 52.118506 -0.75101
MK16 9ET 47 1 52.126564 -0.728449
MK16 9EU 8 0 52.125541 -0.729471
MK16 9EX 2 0 52.109246 -0.748401
MK16 9EY 1 1 52.083065 -0.714361
MK16 9EZ 2 2 52.082172 -0.709055
MK16 9GA 11 0 52.083049 -0.711239
MK16 9GB 26 0 52.083834 -0.70983
MK16 9GD 28 0 52.08312 -0.710361
MK16 9GE 10 0 52.082896 -0.709623
MK16 9GF 28 0 52.082899 -0.709039
MK16 9HG 9 0 52.082243 -0.691181
MK16 9HH 14 2 52.08998 -0.660166
MK16 9HJ 2 0 52.092672 -0.652003
MK16 9HL 17 0 52.095394 -0.640783
MK16 9HN 17 0 52.092772 -0.645008
MK16 9HP 7 0 52.089504 -0.636087