all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 9NY 0 52.112626 -0.704369
MK16 9NZ 2 52.109302 -0.704597
MK16 9PA 0 52.110647 -0.701827
MK16 9PB 2 52.110234 -0.701854
MK16 9PD 0 52.112145 -0.700645
MK16 9PE 1 52.112673 -0.699607
MK16 9PF 0 52.112345 -0.698434
MK16 9PG 0 52.112023 -0.698604
MK16 9PL 0 52.110873 -0.700331
MK16 9PN 0 52.112571 -0.700209
MK16 9PP 0 52.109662 -0.706295
MK16 9PQ 0 52.109991 -0.7043
MK16 9PR 0 52.106742 -0.703075
MK16 9PS 10 52.080227 -0.704009
MK16 9PT 0 52.085675 -0.71792
MK16 9PW 0 52.114754 -0.684563
MK16 9PX 1 52.078942 -0.702412
MK16 9PY 11 52.079603 -0.70354
MK16 9PZ 0 52.11103 -0.706387
MK16 9QB 1 52.081378 -0.699101