all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 9HQ 2 0 52.09033 -0.683276
MK16 9HR 1 0 52.084036 -0.63132
MK16 9HS 12 11 52.082649 -0.64981
MK16 9HU 1 0 52.095586 -0.668689
MK16 9FG 3 0 52.09149 -0.637573
MK16 9HW 17 1 52.093325 -0.621402
MK16 9JA 9 1 52.100357 -0.709616
MK16 9JB 2 0 52.102733 -0.687744
MK16 9JD 1 0 52.096103 -0.680264
MK16 9JE 7 2 52.104363 -0.684007
MK16 9JF 6 0 52.105509 -0.68444
MK16 9JG 16 0 52.107183 -0.684522
MK16 9JH 1 0 52.103865 -0.681276
MK16 9JJ 1 1 52.10358 -0.679168
MK16 9JL 3 0 52.111522 -0.673807
MK16 9JN 8 0 52.114915 -0.609286
MK16 9JP 6 3 52.107085 -0.641012
MK16 9JQ 6 0 52.104075 -0.683241
MK16 9JR 11 0 52.11386 -0.628811
MK16 9JS 42 5 52.116163 -0.610722