all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 9QJ 3 52.081428 -0.700355
MK16 9QP 1 52.112021 -0.705696
MK16 9QS 11 52.080012 -0.703271
MK16 9ZN 1 52.079927 -0.704543
MK16 9PU 3 2 52.106504 -0.702687
MK16 9BF 1 1 52.079927 -0.704543
MK16 9BQ 17 0 52.085382 -0.719914
MK16 9TG 2 52.08152 -0.706126
MK16 9WD 0 52.079927 -0.704543
MK16 9FB 5 0 52.080078 -0.707588
MK16 9FD 51 0 52.080381 -0.708149
MK16 9FE 9 0 52.08082 -0.708685
MK16 9FF 3 0 52.080549 -0.708757
MK16 9FH 0 52.081725 -0.707594
MK16 9FJ 0 52.081499 -0.708359
MK16 9FP 0 52.081648 -0.707143
MK16 9FQ 0 52.08518 -0.715287
MK16 9FR 1 1 52.079244 -0.705155