all postcodes in MK16 / NEWPORT PAGNELL

find any address or company within the MK16 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK16 9LY 0 52.094192 -0.650425
MK16 9LZ 0 52.094477 -0.648679
MK16 9NA 0 52.108506 -0.705
MK16 9NB 1 52.108565 -0.704618
MK16 9ND 0 52.108907 -0.698928
MK16 9NE 0 52.108283 -0.700261
MK16 9NF 1 52.110682 -0.699285
MK16 9NG 0 52.108863 -0.695805
MK16 9NH 0 52.109916 -0.695014
MK16 9NJ 0 52.109363 -0.694651
MK16 9NL 0 52.108551 -0.705787
MK16 9NN 1 52.105924 -0.703235
MK16 9NP 1 52.108524 -0.707438
MK16 9NQ 1 52.104378 -0.693439
MK16 9NR 0 52.108947 -0.707469
MK16 9NS 5 52.10801 -0.710543
MK16 9NT 0 52.109288 -0.718105
MK16 9NU 1 52.109909 -0.70585
MK16 9NW 0 52.109069 -0.702238
MK16 9NX 0 52.112345 -0.704947