all postcodes in MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District

MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 3HE 32 0 51.982052 -0.729574
MK2 3HF 32 0 51.982084 -0.728335
MK2 3HG 12 0 51.981863 -0.727089
MK2 3HH 25 0 51.980678 -0.7206
MK2 3HJ 1 1 51.982606 -0.726719
MK2 3HN 1 1 51.979278 -0.725808
MK2 3HQ 1 1 51.980264 -0.727178
MK2 3HU 29 27 51.986056 -0.72976
MK2 3HW 1 1 51.984766 -0.730254
MK2 3JD 3 2 51.985764 -0.731143
MK2 3JE 1 1 51.985368 -0.731067
MK2 3JF 1 1 51.985251 -0.73193
MK2 3JG 1 1 51.985369 -0.73197
MK2 3JJ 1 1 51.985738 -0.732032
MK2 3JL 1 0 51.985286 -0.732599
MK2 3JP 2 1 51.985196 -0.732551
MK2 3JR 1 1 51.984871 -0.732494
MK2 3JU 1 1 51.984402 -0.731561
MK2 3JW 1 1 51.985096 -0.73256
MK2 3JX 1 1 51.984845 -0.73181