all postcodes in MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District

MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 3JY 1 1 51.985403 -0.73261
MK2 3JZ 8 7 51.976139 -0.71575
MK2 3LA 1 1 51.984708 -0.73244
MK2 3LB 1 1 51.9846 -0.7324
MK2 3LE 2 2 51.984176 -0.73223
MK2 3LG 1 1 51.984294 -0.731505
MK2 3LH 2 2 51.98472 -0.731749
MK2 3LJ 1 1 51.984863 -0.729276
MK2 3LP 28 0 51.988851 -0.729745
MK2 3LQ 1 1 51.984611 -0.731758
MK2 3LR 42 0 51.989232 -0.730055
MK2 3LS 30 0 51.988461 -0.727761
MK2 3LT 30 0 51.988687 -0.728658
MK2 3LU 25 0 51.987213 -0.729544
MK2 3LX 29 0 51.987311 -0.727852
MK2 3LY 30 0 51.987532 -0.729142
MK2 3LZ 35 0 51.987904 -0.726932
MK2 3NA 51 0 51.987858 -0.725987
MK2 3NB 28 0 51.985934 -0.725212
MK2 3ND 29 0 51.98639 -0.724995