all postcodes in MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District

MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 2AZ 33 23 51.997343 -0.715187
MK2 2BA 33 18 51.997208 -0.716757
MK2 2BE 1 1 51.995769 -0.71848
MK2 2BG 3 0 51.995884 -0.71815
MK2 2BH 9 3 51.99774 -0.716982
MK2 2BJ 2 1 51.998167 -0.716424
MK2 2BL 29 18 51.998422 -0.71517
MK2 2BQ 15 11 51.996936 -0.717471
MK2 2BS 4 2 51.997433 -0.712693
MK2 2BT 1 0 51.99762 -0.712557
MK2 2BU 5 5 51.997911 -0.715281
MK2 2BY 19 1 51.999146 -0.717276
MK2 2BZ 2 0 51.996781 -0.721285
MK2 2DD 15 8 51.999802 -0.71546
MK2 2DE 11 0 51.99951 -0.716042
MK2 2DG 4 3 51.995769 -0.726724
MK2 2DH 16 9 51.995127 -0.728804
MK2 2DJ 1 1 51.993335 -0.727783
MK2 2DL 1 1 51.993668 -0.732886
MK2 2DN 1 1 51.99506 -0.72938