all postcodes in MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District

MK / Milton Keynes

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 2DR 16 8 51.994701 -0.731817
MK2 2DW 10 7 51.994936 -0.730404
MK2 2DY 20 9 51.99528 -0.727955
MK2 2DZ 9 6 51.995556 -0.726949
MK2 2ED 11 4 51.995842 -0.725929
MK2 2EH 20 7 51.996295 -0.722886
MK2 2EN 1 1 51.997473 -0.732088
MK2 2EQ 1 1 51.995961 -0.725364
MK2 2ER 18 0 51.996952 -0.727937
MK2 2ES 20 10 51.994078 -0.73337
MK2 2EX 1 1 51.994862 -0.730959
MK2 2EZ 21 1 51.995661 -0.720071
MK2 2ST 15 10 51.995177 -0.726828
MK2 2GT 1 1 51.989357 -0.721619
MK2 2HA 24 0 51.995421 -0.718679
MK2 2HB 3 3 51.995573 -0.721937
MK2 2HE 13 9 51.993801 -0.73348
MK2 2HH 39 3 51.993934 -0.72663
MK2 2HJ 12 0 51.993023 -0.725593
MK2 2HL 44 0 51.994192 -0.725466