all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 1EN 11 0 50.360862 -4.450118
PL13 1EP 10 0 50.360694 -4.449153
PL13 1EQ 22 0 50.361106 -4.45006
PL13 1ES 1 0 50.360262 -4.449581
PL13 1ET 25 1 50.359678 -4.449972
PL13 1EU 10 0 50.358534 -4.44921
PL13 1EW 9 0 50.360447 -4.449759
PL13 1EX 10 0 50.357965 -4.448886
PL13 1EY 5 3 50.36098 -4.448816
PL13 1EZ 9 7 50.35975 -4.448901
PL13 1HA 1 1 50.356813 -4.455308
PL13 1HB 22 0 50.361678 -4.451102
PL13 1HD 30 0 50.362068 -4.450531
PL13 1HE 16 0 50.362438 -4.449636
PL13 1HF 4 0 50.361108 -4.451705
PL13 1HH 18 9 50.356125 -4.454901
PL13 1HJ 3 0 50.356644 -4.454807
PL13 1HL 5 3 50.356995 -4.454797
PL13 1HN 17 3 50.358423 -4.455104
PL13 1HP 9 0 50.359379 -4.455201