all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 1HR 12 0 50.359251 -4.454464
PL13 1HS 6 0 50.357706 -4.454342
PL13 1HT 10 0 50.355918 -4.454236
PL13 1HU 6 0 50.356428 -4.453967
PL13 1HW 30 0 50.357373 -4.454353
PL13 1HX 18 0 50.35708 -4.453761
PL13 1HY 18 0 50.358938 -4.453913
PL13 1JA 4 0 50.358176 -4.453804
PL13 1JB 6 0 50.357863 -4.453717
PL13 1JD 2 0 50.360097 -4.453376
PL13 1JE 2 0 50.359424 -4.453707
PL13 1JN 8 2 50.357142 -4.449329
PL13 1JP 33 0 50.356858 -4.44634
PL13 1JQ 3 0 50.355941 -4.446771
PL13 1JR 7 0 50.356403 -4.448735
PL13 1JS 10 0 50.356593 -4.447831
PL13 1JT 30 0 50.357518 -4.446599
PL13 1JU 19 0 50.357305 -4.44886
PL13 1JW 15 0 50.357002 -4.449778
PL13 1JX 10 0 50.358178 -4.448166