all postcodes in PL13 / LOOE

find any address or company within the PL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL13 1DJ 3 0 50.357717 -4.452107
PL13 1DL 1 1 50.354675 -4.453918
PL13 1DN 1 1 50.355682 -4.454758
PL13 1DP 1 1 50.355365 -4.45446
PL13 1DR 16 0 50.362219 -4.446335
PL13 1DS 2 1 50.355669 -4.454765
PL13 1DT 35 18 50.355178 -4.45438
PL13 1DU 2 1 50.354747 -4.453922
PL13 1DX 13 12 50.354225 -4.454767
PL13 1DY 11 0 50.355971 -4.453001
PL13 1DZ 23 0 50.356829 -4.451133
PL13 1EA 4 0 50.357382 -4.450065
PL13 1EB 31 0 50.358062 -4.451548
PL13 1ED 21 0 50.357564 -4.452985
PL13 1EE 11 0 50.358674 -4.449822
PL13 1EF 17 0 50.358711 -4.450626
PL13 1EG 7 0 50.359543 -4.450837
PL13 1EH 25 0 50.360947 -4.450797
PL13 1EJ 27 0 50.358754 -4.452427
PL13 1EL 3 0 50.360252 -4.450494