all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7EF 3 2 50.500955 -4.313448
PL17 7EG 16 0 50.500208 -4.311583
PL17 7EH 2 0 50.494749 -4.305183
PL17 7EJ 10 0 50.499919 -4.312636
PL17 7EL 8 0 50.49909 -4.313174
PL17 7EN 8 0 50.497556 -4.312056
PL17 7EP 11 0 50.499472 -4.311557
PL17 7EQ 16 0 50.49988 -4.30736
PL17 7ER 1 1 50.498303 -4.314306
PL17 7ES 9 0 50.500766 -4.308461
PL17 7ET 1 0 50.494458 -4.291318
PL17 7EU 62 0 50.501995 -4.307252
PL17 7EW 10 0 50.499773 -4.31411
PL17 7EX 11 0 50.502118 -4.309232
PL17 7EY 4 0 50.492714 -4.295365
PL17 7EZ 16 0 50.49971 -4.31814
PL17 7GA 4 0 50.50222 -4.314046
PL17 7HA 11 1 50.498846 -4.320782
PL17 7HB 28 0 50.498929 -4.315831
PL17 7HD 16 0 50.499752 -4.316055