all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7HE 19 0 50.499234 -4.317651
PL17 7HF 7 0 50.499153 -4.315405
PL17 7HG 36 0 50.501065 -4.307023
PL17 7HH 18 1 50.49799 -4.320495
PL17 7GD 2 1 50.490443 -4.325403
PL17 7HJ 9 0 50.490496 -4.318803
PL17 7HL 10 0 50.487332 -4.330406
PL17 7HN 8 0 50.493427 -4.332355
PL17 7HP 10 0 50.47397 -4.340065
PL17 7HQ 12 0 50.498896 -4.314321
PL17 7HR 4 0 50.479812 -4.322804
PL17 7HS 5 1 50.470594 -4.332039
PL17 7HT 1 0 50.468033 -4.320352
PL17 7HU 4 0 50.48443 -4.312641
PL17 7HW 12 1 50.488518 -4.344709
PL17 7HX 2 0 50.491412 -4.314256
PL17 7HY 31 0 50.502481 -4.307713
PL17 7HZ 20 0 50.503325 -4.308247
PL17 7JA 39 0 50.502557 -4.30979
PL17 7JB 4 0 50.509038 -4.315409