all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7JD 18 0 50.502748 -4.316907
PL17 7JE 31 1 50.502097 -4.317458
PL17 7JF 7 0 50.502097 -4.316184
PL17 7JG 5 0 50.502833 -4.316619
PL17 7JH 1 1 50.503377 -4.316923
PL17 7JJ 30 1 50.503326 -4.318054
PL17 7JL 3 0 50.50308 -4.317868
PL17 7JN 4 0 50.504966 -4.326004
PL17 7JP 1 0 50.513262 -4.335378
PL17 7JR 3 0 50.505373 -4.33451
PL17 7JS 14 0 50.504867 -4.344456
PL17 7JT 8 1 50.505032 -4.348342
PL17 7JU 10 1 50.500548 -4.34946
PL17 7JW 6 0 50.505347 -4.330432
PL17 7JX 1 0 50.501451 -4.324205
PL17 7JY 3 0 50.495597 -4.339823
PL17 7LA 7 0 50.499911 -4.311663
PL17 7LB 12 7 50.502496 -4.314638
PL17 7LD 1 0 50.504324 -4.314558
PL17 7LG 21 2 50.51055 -4.317627