all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6NU 4 4 50.552073 -4.891714
PL27 6NX 5 0 50.553806 -4.890678
PL27 6NY 6 0 50.549371 -4.9066
PL27 6NZ 17 0 50.554932 -4.896097
PL27 6PA 9 0 50.556871 -4.884272
PL27 6PB 37 0 50.556009 -4.887113
PL27 6PD 10 0 50.554731 -4.889676
PL27 6PE 8 0 50.554638 -4.890586
PL27 6PF 6 0 50.554668 -4.891493
PL27 6PG 2 0 50.553452 -4.889794
PL27 6PH 9 0 50.555568 -4.887101
PL27 6PJ 26 0 50.553545 -4.89213
PL27 6PL 8 0 50.553337 -4.892541
PL27 6PN 7 1 50.554437 -4.892792
PL27 6PP 45 0 50.552526 -4.898026
PL27 6PQ 8 0 50.553119 -4.892994
PL27 6PR 10 0 50.551164 -4.901783
PL27 6PS 4 0 50.552688 -4.909938
PL27 6PT 6 0 50.554582 -4.909702
PL27 6PU 5 1 50.556778 -4.909398