all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6JT 3 3 50.546378 -4.906909
PL27 6JU 7 5 50.546492 -4.906662
PL27 6JX 32 3 50.543308 -4.910913
PL27 6JY 19 0 50.543395 -4.905286
PL27 6JZ 27 0 50.545342 -4.911236
PL27 6LA 4 1 50.54584 -4.915501
PL27 6LB 32 1 50.544226 -4.916729
PL27 6LD 76 4 50.544529 -4.920715
PL27 6LE 18 0 50.54518 -4.91412
PL27 6LF 1 0 50.545743 -4.913562
PL27 6LG 9 0 50.546199 -4.907901
PL27 6LH 2 0 50.546749 -4.908259
PL27 6LJ 3 0 50.546211 -4.913604
PL27 6LL 10 0 50.54567 -4.913233
PL27 6LN 12 0 50.54703 -4.909209
PL27 6LP 13 0 50.546219 -4.909341
PL27 6LQ 33 1 50.545106 -4.905914
PL27 6LR 1 0 50.547125 -4.908269
PL27 6LS 10 0 50.548347 -4.907624
PL27 6LT 9 0 50.549351 -4.905582