all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3HD 32 0 53.777355 -2.72257
PR2 3HE 1 0 53.776816 -2.720952
PR2 3HN 24 0 53.783682 -2.713664
PR2 3HP 31 0 53.783062 -2.716552
PR2 3HQ 7 0 53.783151 -2.718193
PR2 3HR 10 0 53.782679 -2.714421
PR2 3HS 31 0 53.781137 -2.713879
PR2 3HT 16 0 53.781023 -2.714848
PR2 3HU 34 0 53.780893 -2.717061
PR2 3HX 42 0 53.782317 -2.716372
PR2 3HY 7 0 53.782351 -2.71824
PR2 3JA 23 0 53.782886 -2.712937
PR2 3JB 45 0 53.781958 -2.716336
PR2 3JD 9 0 53.781595 -2.718348
PR2 3JE 4 0 53.782808 -2.713983
PR2 3JJ 14 0 53.780155 -2.714165
PR2 3JL 33 0 53.779971 -2.716515
PR2 3JN 6 0 53.780855 -2.71439
PR2 3JP 3 0 53.779427 -2.715747
PR2 3JQ 10 0 53.779648 -2.714916