all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7PF 24 0 53.385147 -1.486259
S3 7PG 16 0 53.384681 -1.484491
S3 7PH 12 0 53.385545 -1.484766
S3 7PL 21 1 53.385759 -1.484448
S3 7PN 29 3 53.38612 -1.484609
S3 7PP 49 0 53.386349 -1.483569
S3 7PQ 10 0 53.386825 -1.483413
S3 7PR 24 0 53.384588 -1.48371
S3 7PS 1 1 53.385995 -1.484866
S3 7PU 4 0 53.385848 -1.486266
S3 7PZ 13 0 53.385699 -1.487035
S3 7QA 10 1 53.380522 -1.481069
S3 7QB 5 2 53.380626 -1.482255
S3 7QD 44 2 53.379322 -1.481925
S3 7QL 62 1 53.379359 -1.482285
S3 7QT 35 0 53.379199 -1.482693
S3 7QW 46 0 53.378914 -1.483222
S3 7QX 1 1 53.381386 -1.485432
S3 7RD 5 3 53.381736 -1.483173
S3 7RF 6 3 53.380656 -1.48487