all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7QS 9 0 53.472993 -1.346384
S62 7QT 38 0 53.473775 -1.343072
S62 7QU 24 0 53.473334 -1.342989
S62 7QW 15 0 53.472032 -1.349863
S62 7QX 12 0 53.473729 -1.344579
S62 7QY 2 0 53.473383 -1.343638
S62 7QZ 13 0 53.472487 -1.34261
S62 7RA 39 0 53.472776 -1.344564
S62 7RB 13 0 53.472921 -1.344667
S62 7RD 18 0 53.473541 -1.344658
S62 7RE 10 0 53.473503 -1.344327
S62 7RF 5 0 53.473051 -1.345479
S62 7RW 8 0 53.468605 -1.338015
S62 7RX 12 2 53.475065 -1.367279
S62 7RY 6 0 53.472561 -1.369712
S62 7RZ 32 1 53.466722 -1.370431
S62 7RG 6 0 53.467333 -1.371974
S62 7SA 17 2 53.478767 -1.382503
S62 7SB 27 8 53.477173 -1.396011
S62 7SD 3 0 53.481194 -1.403865