all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7TN 62 4 53.479661 -1.421019
S62 7TP 14 1 53.482694 -1.42363
S62 7TQ 2 1 53.474441 -1.40488
S62 7TR 3 0 53.483494 -1.431214
S62 7TT 23 1 53.481216 -1.428532
S62 7TW 12 1 53.4789 -1.421513
S62 7TX 2 1 53.479388 -1.424038
S62 7TY 3 0 53.477256 -1.433211
S62 7TZ 4 0 53.475991 -1.429944
S62 7UA 8 0 53.477015 -1.446926
S62 7UB 1 0 53.477713 -1.450231
S62 7UD 21 2 53.481026 -1.445413
S62 7UE 2 0 53.482268 -1.445653
S62 7UF 40 0 53.480397 -1.445601
S62 7UG 37 0 53.480124 -1.446659
S62 7UH 5 0 53.479513 -1.446848
S62 7UJ 2 0 53.480143 -1.441025
S62 7UL 10 0 53.481949 -1.440939
S62 7UN 4 0 53.468249 -1.387416
S62 7UP 20 0 53.477694 -1.447987