all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7SE 2 0 53.484181 -1.402438
S62 7SF 22 0 53.483077 -1.39748
S62 7SG 3 0 53.486525 -1.403851
S62 7SH 9 0 53.486052 -1.393881
S62 7SJ 4 1 53.484241 -1.353625
S62 7SL 4 0 53.47735 -1.357452
S62 7SN 2 0 53.4771 -1.357759
S62 7SP 2 0 53.480129 -1.346065
S62 7SQ 11 2 53.489356 -1.394739
S62 7SS 3 2 53.474058 -1.335552
S62 7SU 2 0 53.475321 -1.338018
S62 7ST 4 0 53.477335 -1.385388
S62 7SW 2 0 53.477081 -1.354158
S62 7TA 12 1 53.477718 -1.417068
S62 7TD 16 1 53.479395 -1.414363
S62 7TE 7 2 53.479496 -1.409479
S62 7TF 14 8 53.476997 -1.410977
S62 7TG 2 0 53.477092 -1.410343
S62 7TJ 9 0 53.480106 -1.423801
S62 7TL 39 5 53.478542 -1.418322