all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7LH 25 0 53.473068 -1.35848
S62 7LJ 9 0 53.472922 -1.359808
S62 7LL 5 0 53.47371 -1.359314
S62 7LN 13 0 53.473667 -1.357929
S62 7LP 23 0 53.474186 -1.360814
S62 7LR 20 0 53.474625 -1.360551
S62 7LS 24 0 53.475224 -1.363465
S62 7LT 8 0 53.474218 -1.361823
S62 7LU 14 0 53.47478 -1.366169
S62 7LW 6 0 53.473969 -1.358919
S62 7LX 12 0 53.473657 -1.361078
S62 7LY 14 0 53.473912 -1.361842
S62 7LZ 8 0 53.474417 -1.362136
S62 7NA 30 0 53.474507 -1.363837
S62 7NB 20 0 53.474829 -1.365249
S62 7ND 22 0 53.474327 -1.365347
S62 7NE 42 0 53.474003 -1.363724
S62 7NF 14 0 53.473524 -1.363204
S62 7NG 27 2 53.473154 -1.361266
S62 7NH 30 0 53.473122 -1.365395