all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7UQ 43 0 53.478525 -1.446996
S62 7UR 18 0 53.477979 -1.449204
S62 7US 37 0 53.47749 -1.446633
S62 7UT 12 0 53.480822 -1.444058
S62 7UU 17 0 53.478564 -1.4457
S62 7UW 5 0 53.478306 -1.450209
S62 7BU 0 53.470785 -1.360202
S62 7AF 4 0 53.475074 -1.358633
S62 7AD 56 0 53.475791 -1.360172
S62 7AG 0 53.474983 -1.360335
S62 7AE 0 53.475736 -1.361544
S62 7FG 0 53.475694 -1.362177
S62 7FH 0 53.475792 -1.363622
S62 7FJ 42 0 53.47611 -1.364222
S62 7FA 57 0 53.476878 -1.361559
S62 7FL 1 1 53.470605 -1.341813