all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7PS 5 0 53.472379 -1.350898
S62 7PT 28 0 53.473364 -1.348457
S62 7PU 3 0 53.4736 -1.345531
S62 7PW 40 0 53.473726 -1.348873
S62 7PX 2 0 53.473857 -1.344879
S62 7PY 2 0 53.474304 -1.344271
S62 7PZ 19 0 53.474221 -1.342508
S62 7QA 7 0 53.472698 -1.341703
S62 7QB 6 0 53.473323 -1.345821
S62 7QD 12 0 53.472189 -1.345703
S62 7QE 12 0 53.471834 -1.346537
S62 7QF 2 0 53.47222 -1.346292
S62 7QG 5 0 53.472303 -1.346756
S62 7QH 25 0 53.472743 -1.348346
S62 7QJ 17 1 53.472099 -1.348838
S62 7QL 4 0 53.472487 -1.349164
S62 7QN 7 0 53.472519 -1.350187
S62 7QP 22 0 53.473164 -1.348099
S62 7QQ 9 0 53.472272 -1.347736
S62 7QR 14 0 53.472856 -1.347591