all postcodes in S62 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S62 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S62 7JH 3 0 53.469365 -1.350386
S62 7JJ 20 0 53.468648 -1.349102
S62 7JL 14 0 53.467925 -1.346672
S62 7JN 14 3 53.467095 -1.344471
S62 7JP 4 0 53.467775 -1.3455
S62 7JQ 16 0 53.469141 -1.348838
S62 7JR 20 0 53.469327 -1.345039
S62 7JS 8 0 53.469906 -1.343991
S62 7JT 43 0 53.470515 -1.346949
S62 7JU 14 0 53.470066 -1.345299
S62 7JW 27 3 53.468768 -1.344611
S62 7JX 11 0 53.470422 -1.346318
S62 7JY 9 0 53.469149 -1.34697
S62 7JZ 21 0 53.469267 -1.345582
S62 7LA 13 0 53.469154 -1.346141
S62 7LB 4 0 53.468386 -1.34549
S62 7LD 12 0 53.468185 -1.346548
S62 7LE 5 0 53.46857 -1.347898
S62 7LF 2 0 53.46829 -1.347437
S62 7LG 6 0 53.468636 -1.346842